WorldWeave's List of International Government and Political Economy
- Africa
- Asia (Bangladesh, Burma-Myanmar,
Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Macau, Malaysia,
North Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam)
- Australia/New Zealand
- Canada
- Eastern Europe
- Europe
- Middle East
- North America (coming soon)
- Russia
- Scandinavia
- South America
- United Kingdom

- Annual Report-IADB (Inter-American Development
- Economic and Social Progress in Latin America (also annually)
- Asian Development Bank Annual Report and
- Background Notes On The Countries
Of The World
- Bureau of Public Affairs, U.S. State Department
CIA World Factbook
- The CIA offers a statistical overview and political narrative of countries around
the world.
- Commission on Global Governance
- Information and debate on the concept of a global government.
- Country Studies/Area Handbook
The Federal Research Division at the Library of Congress currently offers a multitude
of country studies.
- The Economist
- This is the best English-language source for international news and updates.
Sadly, the site offers a mere sampling of their full magazine coverage, but it's
better than nothing.
- Elections Worldwide
- European Commission
- G-7 News
- G-7 Government On-Line
- Int'l Bureau of Chambers of Commerce
- For global networks that exchange business experience and expertise
- International Trade Administration, U.S.
- The U.S. Department of Commerce Homepage offers international trade data and
substantive links.
- The IMD Competitiveness Yearbook
- How competitive is the United States in relation to the rest of the industrialized
world on issues like economics, finance, government, management, and technological
- A solid resource for international business information: over 200 links for regional
and country information.
- National Parliaments
- This comprehensive collection of national parliament Web sites ranges from rudimentary
outlines of government agencies and political groups to detailed "Who's Who"
biographies, current debates and policy decisions. Most have English pages, but some
are available only in the native language (typically Spanish). A great place to start
researching countries of interest.
- National Trade Data Bank
- International trade data from the U.S. Department of Commerce.
- National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign
Trade Barriers
- Want to know which of the U.S.'s trading partners is on the outs? Check out the
country by country description of trade and investment barriers.
- Bernkopf's Guide
to Ministries of Finance and Economy
- A guide to international ministries.
- OECD Economic Surveys
- There is a Survey for each of the 24 members of the OECD as well as other "partners
in transition."
- Statistical Yearbook
This UN publication presents statistics at the world, regional, and country levels.
- World Debt Tables; External Debt of Developing
- Debt analysis for over 150 developing countriess.
- International Organizations
APEC Executive Secretariat
- International Labor Organization
An informative, though overwhelming, resource. Links in the "Target" section
are legion.
Designed to safeguard Europe, NATO agencies direct a variety of programs and play
a key role in peacekeeping exercises. Anyone interested in the defense concerns of
Europe, NATO expansion and other issues will find a current perspective here.
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development provides a venue through
which governments of the industrialised democracies can study and formulate economic
and social policies. The site offers a variety of economic, labor and trade statisticsfor
the 27 member states from North America, Europe and the Asia-Pacific area.
The United Nations
Symbol of global cooperation, peace and security for over 50 years, the UN is stuggling
to find viability and a mission into the 21st Century. Explore this estimable institution's
history, current initiatives and official documentation.
The UN System Web Locator
Search across category, agency and organizational boundaries to find the information
you are looking for.
- World Trade Organization
- Dedicated to free markets and trade liberalization, the WTO works to ensure business
opportunities for exporters and importers. Trade policies and practices of member
nations are reviewed in detail.
- World Index of Chambers of
- World Bank: Finance and Development
- Quarterly publication
- Egypt - Governates Web
- South African Constitutional
- See how South Africa developed its new constitution based on submissions by the
population and political party members. A rare opportunity to watch the democratic
political process in progress.
- South African Public Administration
- South African Business Pages
- An introduction to companies doing business in Africa, an overview of the African
Stock Exchange and some insight into this huge continent.
- African Governments
on the WWW
- Originally composed of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand,
ASEAN has since expanded to include Brunei Darussalam and Vietnam. Members combine
their resources to promote economic, social and cultural development of the region.
Lots of info on specific programs, trade statistics and helpful links.
- ASEAN related links
Provided by the Voice of Asia.
Asian Sources On-Line
A database of Asian products and suppliers for volume buyers. Products, suppliers
and products from over 39 industries.
- Voice of Asia
Offers a nice compilation of links, with particular focus on ASEAN countries.
- Asia Pacific Mangement Forum
A networking and information service for anyone interested in Asia Pacific organization.
Includes research updates, management news, and cross-cultural stories.
- Burma (Myanmar) Land
of the Pagodas
- Cambodia
- China
- China Chamber of International
- Directory
of Electronic Sources for Chinese Business and Economy
- For a comprehensive overview of media resources on China and other parts of Asia,
this Web page is hard to beat.
- World Chinese Business Center
Information on Chinese businesses operating around the world; its Trade Opportunities
section is particularly useful.
- Hong Kong
- Hong Kong Government Information Centre
- Hong Kong Star Internet
- Countdown to 1997
- The South China Morning Post maintains this site, and supplies recent news clippings
that relate to Hong Kong and the 1997 transfer. Anyone involved in trade with or
through Hong Kong will be interested in the Business Issues section, which discusses
a variety of topics including borders/customs, investment in Hong Kong, and the Stock
- WebIndia
- Bombay Stock Exchange
- Provides an introduction to the markets and businesses.
- The Indian Parliament Home Page
- This site describes the workings and accomplishments of the Indian legislative
bodies in great detail. Peruse the text at your leisure or search by keyword. Transcriptions
of debates beginning in 1947 in the Constituent Assembly provide a fascinating glimpse
into the first days of Indian independence from Great Britain.
- India:
Science and Technology Pointers
- Pusdata On-Line: Indonesia
- This Web site is the result of the Indonesian Government's efforts to promote
small and medium size enterprises to the global community. Great info if you follow
the link to the Indonesian Ministry of Industry and Trade.
- Indonesia
- A great list of links for those starting to research Indonesia.
- Japanese Companies
- Japanese Government Web
- This server compiles Japan's all-important Ministries and provides a convenient
spring board for the researcher, student or businessperson.
- American Chamber of Commerce in Japan
- Keidanren
- EU-Japan Center
- US Dept of Commerce, Asian
- Korean Education Network
- South Korea
- Good site for history, not as strong on government info. Also graphic heavy.
- South Korea
- North Korea
- North Korea's debut Internet Web site, you'll find an intriguing window into
this reclusive North Asian country.
- Laos: Travel Information
- Laos: Information
- Gopher Laos
- Information on human rights, travel, etc.
- Macau Home Page
- Mahathir Watch
Voice of Asia's section that keeps a close eye on the Malaysian PM.
- Malaysia: Standards and Industrial Reseach Institute
- Malaysia: FTP files
- Malaysia Government and Politics
- Facts and information about the Malaysian economy, politics and social change.
Links to most Ministries, non-governmental organizations and political parties.
- Malaysia Government Home Page
- Pacific Islands
- Micronesia Zone
This site provides a collection of links and information resources for the Federated
State of Micronesia. It includes text, graphics, audio and video.
- University of the South Pacific
- Home page of a regional university of the 12 member nations: Solomon Islands
- Vanuatu - Fiji - Tuvalu - Kiribati - Marshall Islands - Tokelau - Niue - Western
Samoa - Tonga - Cook Islands - Nauru
- Pakistan General Information
- Includes a country profile of Pakistan, Radio Pakistan times and frequencies
and links to other sources in Pakistan. There is also a link to women's resources
related to Pakistan.
- Pakistan and Islam
- Pakistan Search
- Your link to all things Pakistani
- Philippine Business Online
- Philippines Government
- BusinessTimes Singapore Online
- For anyone interested in Asian business and financial markets this is a wonderful
Web site. News, stock quotes, links.
- Singapore Customs Page
Whether you are moving to Singapore, traveling through for pleasure or business,
or setting up a long-term trade relationship, it behooves you to check out this site
before your arrival.
- Young PAP
- Follow PAP election campaigns and observe results at the Election Watch.
- Singapore Statistics
- Tibet: Nyingma Centers
- A collection of documents and images describing activities and research programs
of the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism. Also listed are addresses and contact
information of centres worldwide.
- Japan Tibet Home Page
- Lots of links in Japanese and English
- Ministry of Commerce: Dept. Export Promotion,
The Department of Export Promotion is part of Thailand's Ministry of Commerce, and
the emphasis here is on selling Thai goods. You'll also find some facts and figures
on Thailand's geography, population and culture.
- Vietnam: Nguoi Dan Web Magazine
- A non-commercial magazine in Vietnamese and English; discusses political, social,
and cultural aspects of Vietnam.
- Australian Government Home Page
- This Web central of Australian Government sites allows you to find general information,
specific agencies, and policy information. Ministries are a mere click away. There
are ample links to other informative sites like the National Library of Australia,
Australian Federal Legislation on-line, and the A to Z guide to Australia.
- The Australia Financial Services
- Information on the Australia Stock Exchange, leading financial indicators, market
analyses and investment news.
Australia Commonwealth
Australia Embassy in US
- US-Australia Relations
- New Zealand Government Web Page
- New Zealand's constitution, ministries and a multitude of links. The Ministry
of Commerce has the greatest number of publications on-line; the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs & Trade is also a tremendous resource.
- Government of Fiji
- Government of Canada
Internet Guide
- The be all end all for Canadian government, political and economic links.
- Dept. Finance: Canada
- Canadian Parliamentary Review
- The Baltics Regional Node
- Bosnia
- Estonia
- The Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Information on politics and business in this newly established country.
- The Estonia Country Guide
- Estonia: from finance to culture to government resources.
- Go here to answer all questions about the EU, and separate Eurofact from Euromyth.
- Information on who is running the running the European Union Parliament and the
issues being discussed.
- The European Union
- EuroBusiness Center
- A comprehensive Web site for European business. The links are superb -- if you
can get past the intimidation of a foreign language, you'll be surprised at how easy
it is to find the major business, financial and media organizations throughout Europe.
- Belgian Federal Government
- The Czech Republic
- Danish Election Results
- Ministry of Affairs -
- A beautifully designed Web site, with summaries of French history, geography,
economics, social issues and politics.
- The French Senate
- France: Ministry of Culture
- Facts About Germany
- The German Ministry of Press and Information offers an extensive network to the
latest news, statistics, general information and German government ministries.
- German
Government Servers
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Greece
- Get ready for the 2004 Olympic games! Offers an overview of core foreign policy
issues and describes regional economic cooperation efforts in the Balkans.
- Greece
- Hungarian Government Pages
- Somewhat haphazard and confused; but provides links to several of the Ministries
and data regarding Hungary's foreign and domestic economics. The US official mirror
site tends to be unreliable -- you can also try
which will bring you to the Table of Contents for the Prime Minister's Office.
- Hungarian Foreign Ministry
- Ministry of Industry & Trade: Hungary
- Windows on Italy
- Somewhat dry, but provides information on the foundation for the societal, governmental
and judicial systems of Italy.
- Italian World Wide Web Directory
The Netherlands
- Republic of Poland
- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is your best bet for information here.
- The Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic
- Spain
- Switzerland
- Arabnet
- Country information (government, demography. economics, etc.) on 16 Arab countries.
- Arabia
- The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
- Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs site provides basic information about the
Ministry, recent developments in Israel, and an overview of Israeli government and
- The Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Turkey
- Discusses politics, economics and cultural issues. Among the Top Ten issues you
will find information about investing in Turkey, human rights, and an overview of
Turkey's foreign and banking policies.
- Russian Legislative Database
- The only free-of-charge, full-text legislative database on Russian laws available
on the Net (in Russian only).
- Ex-USSR Information
- Russian Government
- Official Documentation and
Information of Norway
- The central web server for the Norwegian Prime Minister's Office and the various
Ministries. Facts and figures about Norwegian society, industry and education.
- Norwegian Social Science Data
- Norway On-Line Service
- Statistics Norway
- Iceland
- Swedish Government
Web Site - Information Rosenbad
- The Swedish Institute
- Brazil's Government On-Line
- The Chilean Government
Costa Rica
- CubaNet
- Economic Information of Mexico
- Catch the Mexican government's latest commentary on the economy. Summaries provide
detailed analysis of debt, reform and macroeconomic projections. Great links section.
- Center for Latin American
Capital Markets Research
- Indispensable for anyone with business or financial interests in Latin America.
- The UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office
- Check this site for foreign policy speeches and statements on late breaking news.
Links to the CCTA's central UK government site allow you to search all the UK public
sector servers, and there are several links to other national and multinaitonal organizations.
Brings you to the heart of Britain's international relations.
- Government of Ireland
- Links to all of Ireland's governmental agencies, including the Department of
Foreign Affairs, the Department of Health, the Office of Public Works and the Department
of Agriculture. Also offers the complete texts of the Anglo-Irish Agreement, the
Joint Declaration of December 1993, the Joint Framework Document, and the Mitchell