Bibliography for Japan
Bacarr, Jina. How to Succeed in a Japanese Company. New York: Carol Publishing
Group, 1994.
Buruma, Ian. Behind the Mask. New York: Penguin Books USA, 1984.
Doi, Takeo. The anatomy of dependence. New York: Kodansha USA,
Fields, George. From Bonsai to Levis. New York: NAL Penguin, 1982.
Gercick, Patricia. On Track with the Japanese. New York: Kodansha,
Inc, 1992.
Hall, Edward T. and Mildred Reed. Hidden Differences. New York:
Doubleday Press, 1987.
–Beyond Culture. New York: Doubleday Press, 1976.
Inoguchi, Takashi and Daniel I. Okimoto. The Political Economy
of Japan. Stanford University Press: Stanford, CA, 1988.
March, Robert. Working for a Japanese Company. New York: Kodansha,
Inc., 1992.
Ozawa, Ichiro. Blueprint for a New Japan. Tokyo: Kodansha International,
Philip, Leila. The Road Through Miyama. New York: Vintage Press,
Pyle, Kenneth. The Japanese Question. Washington: AEI Press, 1992.
Seidensticker, Edward. Low City, High City. Alfred A. Knopf: New
York, 1983.
Bibliography compiled by Debbie Carlson, 1991—1993.