Bibliography for reading about Japanese Women
Bacon, Alice Mabel. Japanese Girls and Women. Boston: Houghton Mifflin & Co.,
Bando, M. Japanese Women, Today and Yesterday, Foreign Press Center, Tokyo, 1986.
Bernstein, Gail Lee, ed. Recreating Japanese Women, 1600-1945. California: University
of California Press, 1991.
-Haruko's World. California: Stanford University Press, 1983.
Bornoff, Nicholas. Pink Samurai Love, Marriage and Sex in Contemporary Japan. Pocket
Books: New York, 1991.
Borrus, Amy. “Look Whose Sun is Rising Now: Career Women” Business Week, August 25,
1986, p.20-21.
Boyle, Barbara. “Equal Opportunity for Women is Smart Business” Harvard Business
Review. May-June 1973, p.85-.
Brinton, Mary C. “Gender Stratification in contemporary urban Japan.” American Sociological
Review, 1989, Vol. 54: 549-64.
Cherry, Kittredge. Womansword: What Japanese words say about women. Tokyo: Kodansha,
Collins, Eliza and T. Blodgett. “Sexual Harassment...Some see it...Some Won’t” Harvard
Business Review. March-April 1981, p.76-.
Condon, Jane. A Half Step Behind. New York: Dodd-Mead & Co, 1985.
Cook, Alice Hanson & Hiroko Hayashi. Working Women in Japan in the Cornell International
Industrial & Labour Relations Report #10. New York, 1980.
Decker Sutton, Charlotte and Kris Moore. “Executive Women20 Years Later” in Harvard
Business Review. September-October, 1985, 42-.
Ekusa, Ato. “Images of Working Women” Journal of Japanese Trade and Industry. January-February
1990, 41.
Fagenson, Ellen. "Perceptions of the Sex-Role Stereotypic Characteristics of
Entrepreneurs: Women's Evaluation." Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice.
Vol. 15, No. 4, Summer 1991: 33-48.
Friedlander, Judith, Blanche Wiesen Cook, Kesler-Harris, Smith-Rosenberg. Women in
Culture and Politics. New York: Midland,1986.
Fujimura-Fanselow, Kumiko. “Women and Higher Education in Japan: Tradition and Change”
UMI Dissertation Services, Ph.D. dissertation, 1981.
Fukami, Akiko. “Not all ready to raise a toast to royal nuptials” Japan Times, April
8, 1993, 14.
Gallese, Liz Roman. Women Like Us. New York: Signet, 1985.
Garland and Segal. “Thomas vs. Hill” Business Week, October 21, 1991: 32.
Gerson, Kathleen. “Briefcase, Baby or Both?” Psychology Today: November 1986: 30-36.
Hajime, Shinohara. “The Day the Mountains Moved” Japan Echo, Vol. XVI #4, Winter
Hendry, Joy. Understanding Japanese Society. London and New York: Croom Helm; 1987.
Herron, Lanny and Harry Sapienza and Deborah Smith-Cook. “Entrepreneurship Theory
from an Interdisciplinary Perspective.” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. Vol.
16, No 2, Winter 1991. p. 7-??
Hironaka, Wakako. "Sengyo Shufu Wa Ima" (The Present Professional Housewives)
in Gendai Nihon No Shufu (Housewives of Today). Tokyo: Nihon Hoso Shuppan Kyokai,
Hiroki, Michiko. In the Shadow of Affluencestories of Japanese women workers. Asian
Women Worker’s Center: Japan, 1986.
Holstein, William J. The Japanese Power Game. Macmillan: New York, 1990.
Hunter, Janet, ed. Japanese Women Working. Routledge: London and New York; 1993.
Ishimoto, Shizue. Facing Two Ways: The Story of My Life. Stanford: Stanford University
Press, 1984.
Ito, Barbara Darlington. “Entrepreneurial Women in Urban Japan: The Role of Personal
Networks” UMI Dissertation Services, 1983.
Itoh, Yoshiaki. “Japan faces baby deficit” in Nikkei Shinbun, week ending September
28, 1991. Vol.29 #1485
Iwao, Nakatani. The Japanese Firm in Transition. Asian Productivity Organization:
Tokyo, 1988.
Iwao, Sumiko. The Japanese Woman. New York: The Free Press, 1993.
— "The Bitter and the Sweet for American Women n Japanese Corporations: A Study
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Jansen, Marius B. and Gilbert Rozman, eds. Japan in Transition from Tokugawa to Meiji.
Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press; 1986.
Japan Times, The
“Employee alleges sexual harassment” Friday, December 4, 1992, p.2.
“Businesses urged to be nonsexist in hiring” Friday, October 11, 1991.
“Women's work limits studied” Thursday, September 26, 1991.
Josefowitz, Natasha. “Management Men and Women: Closed vs. Open Doors” Harvard Business
Review. September-October 1980, p.56-
Kaneko, Masaomi. “Kojinteki na Mondai de wa nakkata.” (It’s no longer an individual
problem) in Keieisha Monthly. Vol. 46 No. 546, July 1992.
Kiyoka, Eiichi. Fukuzawa Yukichi on Japanese Women. University of Tokyo Press:
Tokyo; 1988.
Kondo, Dorinne. Crafting Selves: power, gender & discourses of identity in a
Japanese Workplace. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990.
L. Cranmer-Byng and Dr. S.A. Kapadia, eds. Women and the Wisdom of Japan (Kaibara
Ekken) in The Wisdom of the East Series. London: John Murray, 1914.
Lam, Alice. “Equal Employment opportunities for Japanese women: changing company
practice” in Japanese Women Working. Routledge: London and New York; 1993, p.197-223.
Lamphere, Rosaldo. Women, Culture and Society. Ed. Rosaldo Lamphere and Louise Lamphere
and Michelle Zimbalist. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1974.
Lebra, J., Paulson J. and Powers, E. Women in Changing Japan. California: Stanford
University Press, 1976.
Lebra, Takie Sugiyama. Japanese Women: Constraint and Fulfillment. Hawaii: University
of Hawaii Press, 1984.
Lo, Jeannie. Office Ladies Factory Women. M.E. Sharpe: New York, 1990.
Masatoshi, Takada. Woman and Man in Modern Japan. Voc XVI #2, Summer 1989.
Matsui, Yayori. Women's Asia. London: Zed Books, 1987.
Matsuoka, Yoko. Daughter of the Pacific. New York: Harper; 1952.
Makihara, Kumiko. "Japanese Women: Rewriting Tradition" in Lears, February,
Makihara, Kumiko. “Who Needs Equality?” Time Special Issue, Fall 1990 35:60.
McClelland, David. The Achieving Society. New York: D. Van Nostrand Comapany, Inc.;
Miller, Annette and Dody Tsiantar. “Mommy Tracks” Newsweek: November 25, 1991, p.48-49.
Miller, Karen Lowry. “The ‘Mommy Track’ Japanese-Style” Business Week: March 11,
1991, p.40.
—“Stress and uncertainty: The price of restructuring” Business Week, March 29, 1993
Mineshige, Miyuki. “Learning to Say No”, Look Japan, May 1990, p..
Miyake, Yoshiko. “Doubling Expectations: Motherhood and Women’s Factory Work Under
State Management in Japan in the 1930s and 1940s” in Recreating Japanese Women, 1600-1945.
California: University of California Press, 1991, 267-295.
Nakai, Kate Wildman. Women of the Mito Domain. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press,
Nakajima, Michiko. “Sexual Harassment and the right to work” in Onna 6500 Hito no
Shougen. Compiled by the group for thinking about working women and discrimination.
Neff, Jeff, and Larry Holyoke, Neil Gross, and Karen Lowry Miller. “Fixing Japan”
Business Week, March 29, 1993, pp. 38-44
Nolte, Sharon and Sally Ann Hastings. “The Meiji State’s Policy Toward Women, 1890-1910”
in Recreating Japanese Women, 1600-1945. California: University of California Press,
1991, pp. 151-174.
Onna 6500 Hito no Shougen. Compiled by the group for thinking about working women
and discrimination. 1991
Pharr, Susan J. Losing Face: Status Politics in Japan. California: University of
Berkeley Press, 1990.
-Political Women in Japan. California: Berkeley, 1981.
Philip, Leila. The Road Through Miyama. New York: Vintage, 1989.
Redclift, Nanneke and M. Thea Sinclair, ed. Working Women: International Perspectives
on Labour and Gender Ideology. London and New York: Routledge; 1991.
Reich, Pauline. "Japan's Literary Feminists: The Seito Group" in Signs:
Journal of Women in Culture and Society, Vol. 2, No 1, Autumn, 1976, pages 280-291.
Reischauer, Edwin O. The Japanese Today. Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University,
Roberts, Glenda. "Non-Trivial Pursuits: Japanese Blue-Collar Women & the
Life-Time Employment System." Ph.D. Dissertation from Cornell University, 1986.
Roberts, Marjory. “Understanding Rita?” Psychology Today December 1986, p.14.
Robins-Mowry, Dorothy. The Hidden Sun—Women of Modern Japan. Colorado: Westview Press;
Rosen, Benson, Sara Rynes and Mahoney. “Compensation, Jobs and Gender” in Harvard
Business Review. July-August 1983.
Rowe, Mary P. “Dealing with Sexual Harassment” Harvard Business Review. May-June
1981, p.42
Rubenstein, Michael. “Dealing with sexual harassment at work: The experience of industrialized
countries” in ILO Conditions of work digest, Vol. 11, January 1992, pp.7-19.
Sansom, George. A History of Japan, 1615-1867. Tuttle and Company: Tokyo,1963.
Sape, George. “Coping with Comparable Worth” Harvard Business Review. May-June 1985.
Saphir, Ann. “Help!” Look Japan, March 1990.
Saso, Mary. Women in the Japanese Workplace. Hawaii: University of Hawaii Press,
Sekine, Tatsuo. “Mrs. T. Goes to Tokyo”, Look Japan, January 1990.
Seymour, Sally. “The case of the mismanaged Ms.” Harvard Business Review. November-December,
1987, p.77-87
Shumon, Miura. “Continuity and Change in Japanese Culture” Japan Echo, Vol. XII,
Special Issue, 1980, p.4-9
Sievers, Sharon. Flowers in Salt: The Beginnings of Feminist Consciousness in Japan.
California: Stanford University Press, 1983.
Solo, Sally. “Japan discovers woman power” Fortune 119:153-4, June 19, 1989
Stronach, Bruce. Achievement and Affiliation Motivation in Japanese College Women.
Ph.D. Dissertation, The Fletcher School, May 1980.
Sugimoto, Etsu. A Daughter of the Samurai. New York: Doubleday; 1928.
Taga, Mikiko. “It's time to get serious” Look Japan. June 1990, p..
Takahara, Sumiko. “Women Power in Japan's Economy” Journal of Japanese Trade and
Industry. March/April 1991, p..
Takayama, . “The Main Track at Last” Newsweek, 115: 50-1 January 22,1990.
Tamanoi, Mariko Asano. “Women’s Voices: Their Critique of the Anthropology of Japan.”
Annual Review of Anthropology, 1990. 19: 17-37.
Tanaka, Kazuko. “Changing marriage and family structure: Women’s perspective” Japan
Labor Bulletin, January 1, 1992, 4-9.
Tantiwiramanond, Darunee and Shashi Ranjan Pandey. By Women, For Women: A Study
of Women's Organizations in Thailand. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. Social
Issues in Southeast Asia Research Notes and Discussions Paper No. 72, 1991.
Tokuza, Akiko. “Oku Mumeo and the movements to alter the status of women in Japan
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Tsuru, Shigeto. Human Resources, Employment and Development. Vol 1 The Issues. New
York: St. Martin’s Press, 1983.
Tsurumi, E. Patricia. Factory Girls: Women in the Thread Mills of Meiji Japan. Princeton:
Princeton University, 1990.
Uchino, Masayuki. “Sekushuraru Harasumento to Kenpo” (Sexual Harassment and the Constitution).
Horitsu Jiho, Vol. 64, NO. 9, August 1992.
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Japanese Women, 1600-1945. California: University of California Press, 1991, p.17-41.
Walthall, Anne. “The Lifecycle of Farm Women in Tokugawa Japan” Recreating Japanese
Women, 1600-1945. California: University of California Press, 1991, p.42-70.
Watanabe, Theresa. “Japan, Inc. no friend to women” Los Angeles Times, X
Yoko, Itamoto. “Advice to the Lonely: Marriage is Self-Affirmation” Japan Echo,
Vol XV, Special Issue, 1988.
Yoshihiko, Seki, ed. Japan Echo Vol. VII Special Issue, 1980.
Newspaper Articles...
Nihon Keizai Shimbun: "Kaika Suruka? Josei Juyaku Jidai". (Opening Up?
The Female Executive). July 2, 1984.
(Series) Sarariman. Otokotachi No Nakade (Salaryman. In the midst of the men)
Sept 30, 1991 through October 5, 1991
"Shokushu Tsujime Zatsuyo...Zankyo" (....Customs and ...) Sept. 30, 1991.
Women take a negative position regarding the achievement of the law for working-opportunity
equality. Oct. 12, 1991.
National Geographic. Japanese Women. April 1990.
Ministry of Labor Reports:
The Status of Women in Japan. Women's and Minor's Bureau, Ministry of Labor Reports.
Summary of The Actual Labor Market for Women 1986. (Ministry of Labor, 1986)
White Paper on The Life of the Nation. FY 1990
Monthly Labor Review
— “Recent gains in women’s earning” 113:11-17 July 1990.
— “Sexual harassment” XX:37-38 May 1991
Bibliography compiled by Debbie Carlson, 1991—1993.